My submission for Zeno Jam 8, created in a week - check out the other submissions here!

My submission for Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024, check out the other submissions!

Can you work off your debt? You freshly started out at a hip coffee shop - of the prestigious Smiles Coffee Group - in the posh district of your city. You need this job, desperately. A crippling debt is looming over your head and this is your one and only chance to work it off! Or maybe something surprising may come along and help you in an unexpected way?

Assets not created by me:
Joystix Monospace font by Raymond Larabie

Customer Silhouettes adapted from
"Business People Silhouette" by j4p4n

Coffee shop background adapted from:

Coffee machine adapted from:

Rifle adapted from:

Bedroom adapted from:


"Happy But Frozen In Time" by AlexMcCulloch

"Pushing Ahead" by Centurion_of_war

Dark Ambient Loop by Lucas Calvo (MundoSound) on
Lucas Calvo -

Sound effects created in ChipTone and Audacity
Graphical assets created and edited in GIMP and Pixelorama


Download 27 MB
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Download 15 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and unpack it where you want to store the game.

Development log


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OMG haha. I don't have time to finish unfortunately, but what a terrifying game! Love it


Great work! I noticed a couple potential issues, and wanted to note them in case it's helpful to you...
- The difficulty select stayed up over the Credits and Story screens
- On customer 6, I got the wrong drink but couldn't get a new cup even after hitting "s", so got stuck.
- People refer to the cheer mix as at least 3 different names, is that intentional?


Thank you so much for playing and giving feedback, really means a lot to me <3

Oops, I think I accidentally introduced the difficulty bug while pushing a small update right before the jam, will have to fix that one after the jam period, should be a quick fix. That's what you get for being tired and only testing the absolute basics 😅

I thought I had eliminated all the ways the customer interactions could lock up, will take a closer look, thank you for reporting!

The cheerful mix *should* only be referred to as "Crap" mix, I'm uncertain what happens there. Weird interaction that I haven't heard reported or encountered myself before, can you give some more details so I can look into it?

Again thank you lots for the feedback!


I feel you, I pushed an update where you couldn’t click the bottom half of the screen because of an invisible control node!

As for the Cheerful Mix: I mostly got “Crap-mix”, I thought someone said “Cheerful-mix”, and  I’m pretty sure the 6th customer called it something different, maybe “Charism-mix” or something. It’s why I messed up that order, because I hadn’t seen that name yet. I wasn’t taking notes, so maybe I’m mistaken.

If I get another chance to play it and see anything I’ll let you know. 


Thank you again! That is weird - those strings certainly don't exist within the code, so either there is something really funky going on in the processing/rendering of the text, or maybe you misread by accident? Not pushing it onto you as your fault, just, that sounds like the most likely explanation to me at the moment. The font is not the most legible after all, and the gameplay is designed to induce additional stress.

Will have another look into if something might cause messing up rendering text either way, thank you again so much for the feedback! <3


Would not be surprised if it is my fault. I’ll try to play again and see if I see anything!


like your artistic style. It's a bit dark and unique! And the biggest smile is really sad, very nice to make such a completed game in this short time! Looking forward to your other works in the future!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to play and comment! :) Always makes my day when I see people enjoying my game enough to take the time for that ^^

I'm really glad the style landed, I have no experience there, coming from a programming background, but being completely new to game dev and art/sound design in general.

There will definitely be more, made the call and decided to get serious about game developing :)


This is absolutely incrdible for the time which was given. Amazing work. I really like the music. How do you find good music?

would really love to know.

Anyway Awesome work.


Thank you so much for the comment! Credits are both in-game and on the description page, but as a direct answer: I use to search for assets as my main source. There's others, too, but that was the first one I found when I decided to get serious about game dev, and I do like the feel and community of the site.




Crazyly good! Adapted well with the jam's theme, very cool


Thank you for commenting both here and on the jam submission page! Makes my day to see people enjoying what I put out <3


This game is amazing! very creative idea and an eerie vibe. the art style is cool.


Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm really glad the art style landed, I was quite unsure about it, as I do have some programming, but no art or sound design experience.

It makes me glad to see people taking the time to look at this and comment, really, thank you a lot :)

(1 edit) (+3)

I like, Its a bit too hard but a nice game in general and the music is nice.  


Thank you so much for your feedback! The difficulty is actually intentional - at least, I hope it worked out the way I was aiming for. Basically, I wanted it to be really taxing and stress-inducing, but still rare to reach a game-over failstate, so people could still progress through the game until the end.

Unfortunately, with basically just me test-running it, it's hard to estimate if it succeeded, as the curse of testing your own games of course is doing it so often, all difficulty gets distorted, and I breezed through everything in the end.

Always glad to see people taking the time to have a look and comment! Thank you :)


Hell yeah I love this one!

It's both depressing and realistic at the same time, creating this uncanny feeling throughout the playthrough, with the art style making it even creapier but not distracting from the main idea and making it "like the other horrors". 

Absolutely love your work, hope to see more of it soon!


Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Unsure if you reached the ending - but it does (or at least, should) save progress from month to month, so you can also revisit it whenever you have time and energy if you enjoyed it!

I am really happy whenever I see people playing my stuff, and extra happy when they enjoy it! Also excited to see what you will be creating in the future.


dang this is really cool i dig the art style and sounds really goes well together well done :D


Already answered your jam comment, but you deserve thanks a second time for playing this ^^

So thank you, I'm really happy whenever I hear someone took the time to have a look at something I made and even took the time to comment!


Really nicely done. The mechanics are unique, it's pretty challenging to multitask all the time, and it looks and sounds nice.


Thank you so much for having a look at it and giving feedback! It really means a lot to me to have people play the things I make.

Challenging and stressful is what I was aiming for - although reaching a proper game over should be rare. If you enjoyed playing it - there actually is a bit of a narrative and progression, as well as an ending :)

I'm glad the style and sounds worked out - I'm new to game dev, but do have some programming experience. But I am completely new to sound and art stuff, thank you for feedback on that!