Releasing the Source Code for my first game jam game

I did have a lot of fun working on this, my second game, and my first entry into a game jam. After the jam is over, I think I might just dive straight into the next with how motivating of an experience this ended up being.

Looking through a majority of the available submissions to the jam yesterday, I was happy to see how much creativity and effort can always be seen in everyone's work. As this jam was aimed specifically at beginners - I thought I could go ahead and publish the source code and assets to my entry, to make it transparent for people that might enjoy digging into it.

If you are working with Godot, or want to learn, maybe you can find something that helps you along, clarifies something you wondered about, or find something intriguing to figure out. And if nothing else, you can maybe rest assured that code even by people with some experience (although I don't want to overstate that here either, there's a lot of better programmers than me), create quite some messy code when creating something within a week.

If you want to modify and republish the source - go ahead, I decided to give it the GPL3 treatment, too. Didn't do that for my first game, since I was unsure if I could claim to own any code I used from the tutorial that was the basis of it, but this time, all the code is actually by me (worked several hours every day the past week on it). Note that the assets I'd consider CC4.0 - so use them freely, even commercially, but credit either me or the respective owners clarified in CREDITS.txt!

Have fun playing and creating, everyone!

Files 15 MB
May 05, 2024

Get You don't have to smile

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